Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Aggressive puppy biting? Stop this in a Humane Way

There are many obstacles and challenges for dog owners, particularly when it comes to owning puppies and the typical aggressive puppy biting behaviour. This article can assist with this problem and its resolution in as nice a way as possible. Puppy biting normally initiates when playing with your puppy and eventually becomes a habit, at times without your knowledge as to how the habit started.

When puppies are young they are teething and this is a natural part of their development. They will in this phase bite almost anything including your skin and human parts such as fingers and toes. At this stage they are curious about their environment and will need to learn acceptable and unacceptable actions. This can be a tedious task to go through but is a needed part of the “how to stop puppy biting” process.

But the sooner you put puppy biting bad habits to bed, the easier it will be in the future and for ongoing dog training - the great news is that stopping puppy biting can be trained and its a fairly easy process.

Letting the puppy know that you are serious about correcting their negative behavior is vital in any training process. Puppy and biting go hand in hand, but once they are aware that their owner is against this behaviour this is the first step of brain training for dogs.

Correcting the problem of puppy biting is often done with the favorite technique used by many trainers known as guilt therapy. This is where the puppy is made to believe that they are causing pain when they bite a human. This builds on the natural behaviour of puppies where when they play together they engage in biting but this stops once a yelp of pain is heard. Humans can take advance of this natural learning and make the puppy believe - with some good acting - that they have caused pain. Coupling this with the withdrawal of affection and play for a short time will fast teach the puppy that biting is not acceptable.

Puppy biting? How to stop it? One key part is early detection of the issue. It is easier to stop this negative behaviour when the puppy is young.

The technique of redirection is another method that can be utilized when dealing with puppy play biting. This is where when you are bitten you say a serious “”No!”" and move the attention of the puppy to another object such as from your hands to a bone or even a chew toy. Once the puppy is still young this may be all the correction that they require to end this problem.

These are just a few dog training or puppy biting skills that you can learn to do, and implement straight away - we hope you enjoyed them.

Any additional advice and aid needed to stop puppy biting can be sourced from the Dog Training / Obedience section of DogTrainingComplete.

For more intense skill training of dogs and methods of training puppies not to bite then check out Dog Training Product Industry Reports.

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